In the midst of a very busy day Saturday, I zipped on down to the Empire Quilt Guild show with the hubby to see my Bed of Roses quilt hanging in the show. Shortly after I got there, I ran into a friend who said, "Congratulations on your quilt!"
Congratulations? Yes indeedy! She won a ribbon!

What a lovely surprise! Looks like both my sister and I get something to keep...a quilt for her and this little beauty for me.

It was an interesting experience observing parts of the judging process, thinking about why I entered my quilt to be judged and seeing others reactions to the judges' decisions. Perhaps I will wax philosophical about it another time. For now, it just makes me smile to see that cheery ribbon hanging in my kitchen "studio".
p.s. It also made me smile to see that Victoria's quilt did very well too. Two ribbons! A second place for the "traditional" technique/machine quilted category and the prestigious judge's recognition. I knew about one of the last one from helping on judging day and went a little crazy keeping the secret! Hooray for Victoria!

Congratulations? Yes indeedy! She won a ribbon!
What a lovely surprise! Looks like both my sister and I get something to keep...a quilt for her and this little beauty for me.
It was an interesting experience observing parts of the judging process, thinking about why I entered my quilt to be judged and seeing others reactions to the judges' decisions. Perhaps I will wax philosophical about it another time. For now, it just makes me smile to see that cheery ribbon hanging in my kitchen "studio".
p.s. It also made me smile to see that Victoria's quilt did very well too. Two ribbons! A second place for the "traditional" technique/machine quilted category and the prestigious judge's recognition. I knew about one of the last one from helping on judging day and went a little crazy keeping the secret! Hooray for Victoria!