You can see more details about the quilt here. (Be sure to check out the details and the pieced backing.) Wow, I want this quilt!
UPDATE: A little more info about the tickets....I will be turning in all raffle tickets stubs and the money to the guild the day of the show (March 20th), a week later than they would be due if you were sending your money directly to the guild via mail. That means if you want tickets, you and I just need to have it all arranged before then...kind of like someone who goes to buy lottery tickets for the office! Just let me know and we'll find a solution. :)
p.s. I'll post about my show quilt too, including pics soon. :)
Andrea. that means we need a tea. Save me some raffle tix...
That quilt is amazing!
Of course you know I want to buy six raffle tickets. There's no way I can get in there in the mail by the 13th. Help. Can I buy a book of raffle tickets from you, since you CAN get it there by the 13th? That would be sweet. Do the raffle proceeds go to support the guild? Is it fair for me to want to win something from a group I just barely became aware of? That quilt is phenominal.
I'm so sad I missed the deadline for the raffle quilt. It is gorgeous!!, I work with bright colors (batiks) and black for the most part. The winner must be so happy.
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