Thursday, March 5, 2009

Protecting growth

On a recent walk through a local garden, I noticed these little burlap fences. While I loved their visual impact on the garden (their color, their texture and how they redefined the space), I wasn't sure of their use. They were so fragile and so open. What could they possibly be protecting?

When I saw one of the gardeners, I asked. She explained that there are several types of heather in this garden and some are more fragile then others. These simple fabric fences surround the more delicate varieties, offering enough protection against the winter winds to prevent dessication and subsequent freezing. Clearly, the gardeners here care for each variety of plant in the garden with detailed attention to their unique needs. They make plans to ensure the growth and full beauty of all that grows there. They protect what needs protection. They nurture what needs more attention.

Could I be more like these gardeners? Could I can give a bit more attention, protection and care to what grows in my life? Can I be clearer in my intentions in choosing what I plant and how I nurture?

I can. I am.


Sophia said...

It's beautiful.I like it

Unknown said...

beautiful post.

Anonymous said...

I like both your picture and your words. It's part of living life more deliberately isn't it?

Tammie Lee said...

Lovely thoughts on caring. Thank you.