While Mr. CK, my family and my faith are bedrock during the worst of it, noticing the small and simple things is day to day survival. Perhaps it is the coming together of the Buddist idea mindfulness, the "tender mercies" talked about David Bednar and this blogging community's focus on honoring everyday beauty. (So a Buddist monk, a Mormon apostle and a blogger walk into a bad day....?)
In any event, since this is a place for recognizing the beauty in my life, here a few of "the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts" I've received this past few weeks:
peonies on my kitchen table (inspired by bloggy friends)...
time to create...
a virtual hug....
a visit to the Botanic garden with a friend....
things that make me laugh...
Here's the biggest, tightest hug my little arms can manage to wrap around you.
Love you.
I like the peonies. Can I be a peony for a while? I heart you SOOOOO much. SPF (Sister Power Forever). I realized as I typed it that it's kind of a silly acronym, but maybe it can be something funny that only we really get. Eh, eh?
hugs my friend. Good things to come for good people as yourself.
Your life journey is just taking you on the path it has for you. ( which may be different that you expected. )
Keeping you in my thoughts.
What an uplifting post. Thank you for sharing how those little, but big, gifts can impact your life. I'm sorry that you are going through this hard time; I didn't realize you were stuggling in that area. I feel very insenitive for any comments about my ups and downs with my kids. I had a time of yearning for a family myself... and then--BOOM--my prayers were answered with 4 kids in two years. God has a plan, I'll pray for continued grace in your waiting time.
Hugs and prayers are being sent your way! I'm so sorry you are having a rough time... I've had my share of them over the last couple of years, too. But you're doing the best thing that I have found - noticing the blessings in the ordinary days.
Hang in there - and remember you are loved!
Sorry to hear about your setback - my prayers are with you, and hugs. It is amazing, how in the midst if something huge the little things that are going right get you through. You will get through :)
You are in our thoughts and prayers always! Lots of love coming your way from Utah!
HUGE hugs and smoochees from your old (with emphasis on OLD) YW pres. God has a plan and all will be well. Reading your post made me think of the YW theme. "We are daughters of a Heavenly Father that loves us . . ., " remember? When you get discouraged repeat it to yourself. In the meantime, I'll add my prayers to all the others.
a BIG hug is making it's way to you!
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