Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Conversation with the hubby....

Me: (Thinking of a colleague who is always dressed fashionably and has beautifully done hair and make-up). Hon, is it ok that I'm so low-maintenance?

Hubby: (raised eye-brows, long look, no response.)

Me: Uh.....maybe I need to clarify.


Anonymous said...

har har. :)

Molly said...

funny. i don't wear make-up or do my hair either. but i don't know that my husband thinks i'm low maintenance.

guess what i just made? should be in the mail shortly.

Amy said...

He married you didn't he?

Amy said...

PS - I'm coming to NYC to escape the last phase of the floor project next week to hang with my Mom - maybe we could have a walk in the park or grab a cup of coffee... I'll let you know which days I'll be in...